I can call myself a successful person. As my parents always told me that
even since early childhood I used to win in games and competitions, always
was kind of a leader in a group, a judge among others in argues, and so on.
Certainly I've studied great as well, and always was one of the first in a
group. I guess that I am used to such a way of living and to my opinion,
there is always a division between people, each person is on his place on
this Earth, so mine is to be a leader, and I like it!
I think that together with you I can become perfect and if you are ready to
love your goddess, to be with me all the time, to take care of me and to
accept me as I am, than I will be happy to find your thoughts at
http://www.heartsattach.net/heallove Trust your heart and be honest with yourself, dear, you
like me very much just like I do you, please don't waste our time.
Waiting for your reply
Nataliya S.